BrainWork Recursion Therapy (BWRT)

BWRT stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy. It is a recently created therapeutic process that works upon issues specifically within the subconscious mind.  It is a confidential method that doesn’t require you to reveal any private information and is carried out in a completely conscious state. It doesn’t use hypnosis or any mystical concepts - it’s completely logical, practical and scientific in it's approach.  

After an individual experiences an event that causes a significant sensation (anger, pain, love, hate, embarrassment, fear), the memory retained from the experience will produce a similar sensation when recalled. These memories of intensity define our character and our behaviour throughout our lives. They are a key reason why we are who we are. However given traumatic memories are often forgotten or repressed they influence us in ways we rarely can comprehend. If you find yourself saying something you regretted or doing something and not understanding why you did it, then you are experiencing a cognitive dissonance caused by your subconscious mind. 

Ultimatley the subconscious influences all our decisions and actions and there is very little the average person can do to stop it, or even comprehend it without prior education. 

Methodology: The BWRT method involves the replacement of the worst most intense memories you have with the sensations of a pleasant one, which will allow you to recall the memory whenever you like but you will have no/ minimal emotional response to it.

BWRT is effective at not only altering the emotional response of the memory but also all the connecting behaviours. For example if you are finding that you are anxious without proper reason, there is most likely a series of events from your past that have produced this anxiety. This could be a person inflicting malicious or injust behaviour on you that has never received resolution. These stressful events although forgotten and accepted but they are never truly resolved and thus affect your every action in either the smallest or largest of ways. All without you ever knowing.

As you might imagine this technique is very flexible with it’s application and I have successfully applied it to the following conditions:

  •  Addiction
  •  Anxiety
  •  Bullying 
  •  Depression
  •  Eating Disorders
  •  Grief
  •  Low Self-esteem
  •  Panic Attacks
  •  Phobias
  •  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  •  Sexual Abuse/ Obsession/Addiction/Impotence. 

Effectiveness: The main reason why this therapy is so successful is that it is all undertaken on a subconscious level. This means that unlike CBT the patient’s views are completely taken out of the procedure, with the therapy altering that which the client does comprehend and most importantly cannot change themselves. This is why a person would have cognitive dissonance for their subconscious reasoning does not align with their conscious plans and motives.

A long story short is that BWRT aligns your subconscious and your conscious mind together, so all parts of you work as one perfect mechanism, rather than chronically experiencing a feeling of being pulled in multiple directions. Not only does this allow you to conquer current psychological issues, but it also allows you to retroactively reflect upon them and know that they no longer have power over you.

I was personally taught by the founder of the BWRT therapy Terrence Watts and have found it to be nearly 100% effective at reducing and in most cases eradicating the condition in all clients. So long as you can visualise the negative image in your mind, I can change your emotional response.

Contact me at if you would like more information, or if you would like to book a session.